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voor en achter muis.24.jpg



Create a computer mouse which fits and reflects the image of the car brand BMW. Through brand analysis and exploration of recognizable form elements,
a mouse is given shape that honors  the brand's image and values.

Brand Image

Taking different perspectives is necessary for deriving a complete picture of BMW's brand image. Advertisements reveal a lot about the brand and almost equally as much about the target customers. The kapferer model was established to clarify BMW's corporate image. Furthermore, the brand was translated into an archetype to create a more understandible picture through familiarity. BMW matches the 'Hero' or 'Heerser' archetype.



Physical features

Tracing the explicit design cues of BMW-design throughout it's existence showed a clear reccurence of certain features. A lot of form elements are standardized and can be found in most BMW cars. The images below show this. To specify a more detailed design direction, the BMW i8 model was taken as inspiration for further ideation.

BMW-i8 top 2.jpg
BMW i8 side.jpg


Exploring the recognizability of the BMW design features and their quality in representing the brand image was a vital part of the design process. By using plain mouse designs with different BMW design features (below) or by solely using shape (below), elements important to the BMW brand and it's cars become visible.

mouse top lines blue.jpg
blue white checker.jpg
bmw i8 side.jpg



Combining the 2D and 3D elements of the ideation phase leads to a design which reflects the character of the BMW brand while simultaneously creating recognizability. Especially the colors, the blue dividing lining and the full, down-tilted agressive nose create the typical BMW appearance.

The design which can be seen on the top op this page is a later iteration on the final concept.

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